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From The Pricipal Desk
Nurse are called as the angels of the earth. Nursing ia an independent noble profession, a vocation for services to the human kind. It is important to have a kind heart to understand someone's emotions, take care of the needy, to provide a gentle touch that relieves pain, to become the voice of the voiceless, limbs for the handicapped, & many more.
Modern nursing uses advanced Knowledge & Skill for providing care to the patient, community, sick or well. that is why nursing is called both Arts & Science.

A good nurse should possess some essential qualities like Noble, Understanding, Responsible & resourceful, Sufficient, Efficient and effective & many more. One can get rich with all these qualities by nursing training, dedication to the profession & compassion of the service of human kind. It depends on the place one selects for growth & development & how much one absorbs for the nourishment.

As we have our parent hospital students will get a better clinical exposure.
So intellectually select a place where maximum growth is possible.

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